

Information obligation pursuant to §5 Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG), §14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) and §63 Austrian Trade Regulations Act (GewO); Disclosure obligation pursuant to §25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG)

Identum. The agency for brand charisma
Identum Communications GmbH
Strozzigasse 32-34/2
1080 Vienna, Austria

t +43 1 480 22 72
f +43 1 480 22 72 - 30

Business purpose: Advertising and brand communications

VAT number: ATU 63665509
Commercial register number: FN 299173 k
Commercial register court: Vienna

Member of: Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO)
Professional law: Austrian Trade Regulations Act:
Regulatory authority/Trade authority: Municipal District Office for the 8th District of Vienna
Awarding country: Austria

General Terms And Conditions


Liability for the content of our website

The content of our website was created with the utmost care. However, we are unable to accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness or currentness of the content. As the service provider, we are responsible for ensuring that the content of these webpages corresponds to general legislative provisions. However, we are not responsible for monitoring any external information that is transmitted or stored here, nor for investigating any circumstances that may indicate unlawful behaviour. This does not affect obligations pursuant to general legislation to prevent or block the use of information. However, we may be held liable in this regard from the moment at which we gain knowledge of specific illegality. We will immediately remove any content that contravenes such legal provisions on receiving notification of the same.


Liability for links to third party websites

Our website contains links to external websites. We have no influence whatsoever over the content of these external websites. As a result, we cannot accept any liability for this external content. The respective provider or operator is responsible for the content of linked websites. Linked websites were inspected for possible legal infringements at the time they were linked. Illegal content was not identifiable at the time of linking. However, permanent monitoring of the linked sites is not possible without specific reason to suspect a legal infringement. We will immediately remove any links that contravene legal provisions upon receiving notification of the same.



The operators of this website endeavour to consider other parties’ copyrights and to draw on either public-domain works or works created by the operators themselves. The content and text produced by the operator of this website is subject to copyright law. Contributions by third parties are identified as such. The reproduction, editing, dissemination and any other form of utilisation of this content not covered by Austrian copyright law requires the prior written consent of its author or creator. The contents of this website may only be downloaded or copied for private, non-commercial purposes.


Data privacy statement

You can find our data privacy statement here.