Brand charisma.

In other words: what identity with momentum can achieve

Identum – agency for brand charisma. Yes, exactly – we aim for charisma for brands so that companies can celebrate their desired success. The charisma we are probably all familiar with. When someone enters a restaurant and the air changes. When someone speaks up and everyone listens. When someone starts a lively conversation with just a few words. Or someone has an opinion and brings about change.

Brands are personalities. Strong brands are strong personalities. They have character, show themselves and bring life to the place. Together with our clients we work on these brand personalities, making them shine and glow, thus creating charisma and in turn success.


Smells like team spirit

We? We are a witty squad full of team spirit. A team full of ingenuity and originality, composed of demanding personalities, deep expertise and a common basis – the search for successful strategies, strong concepts and inspiring creations.
We, we are many teams. Reliable teams with our partners and powerful teams for and with our clients. Because we believe that strong teams deliver strong results.

So let's brand together and let's grow together!


Only when we pool our characters and competencies can we successfully grow together. We are a team of 23 specialists who learn from one another every day and exploit our synergies. We’ve made it dead easy for you to find out where our strengths lie – and a little about what makes us tick!

Anna Pindor
Anna Pindor
Graphic Designer
Anna Pindor
Anna Pindor Anna Pindor Anna Pindor Anna Pindor Anna Pindor
Anna Pindor

Die Anna, die ist wie Kaffee. Weil 1.: Es gibt es kaum jemanden, der ihn nicht mag. Und 2.: Steckt er voller Energie. Tatsächlich gibt es zur Freude unseres Design-Teams auch fast nichts, das Anna nicht gerne anpackt: Ob klassisches Layout oder digitale Grafik, das Springginkerl hat sich die Hands-on Mentalität felsenfest hinter die Ohren geschrieben. Apropos Felsen – als leidenschaftliche Sportlerin lässt sie sich beim Wandern oder Laufen, am liebsten hoch oben am Berg, die frische Brise um die Nase wehen und von der Natur inspirieren. Auch wenn ihr Herz nach wie vor für ihren Heimatbezirk schlägt: „Hernois is ois“, sagt sie dann verschmitzt.

Dem Sonnenschein vergeht das Lachen sowieso nur ganz selten, allerhöchstens man versetzt sie oder atmetbeim Schlafen zu laut. Dann wird man von Anna einfach auf die Seite gerollt oder sie hält dem (zu laut!) Schnaufenden kurzerhand die Nase zu. Das könnte für uns zum Glück ja eigentlich nur bei einer Dienstreise zum Verhängnis werden. Tagsüber ist nämlich von dieser anderen, dunkleren Anna absolut nichts zu sehen. Im Gegenteil: Sollte bei dem Wirbelwind doch irgendwann eine langweilige Minute aufkommen, schnappt sie sich einfach eine Box voll mit Krimskrams und sortiert diese erstmal ordentlich durch. Marie Kondo wäre stolz auf sie und wir freuen uns auf penibel organisiertes Office-Zubehör.

Obwohl sie sich selbst als „Routinemensch“ bezeichnet, blitzt stets ein Quäntchen Spontanität durch, wenn sie in der Kreation die Muse küsst oder der Pinsel in ihrer Hand mit extravaganten Farben die Leinwand zum Leben erweckt. Chaos darf bei Anna trotzdem nur in geordneter Form existieren, beispielsweise wenn daraus sinnvoller, kreativer Output sprießt. Wie das geht, hat sie unter anderem an der Grafischen in Wien gelernt. Nach dem Abschluss trieb es sie dann natürlich sofort ins Arbeitsleben – in die Arme zweier Werbeagenturen. Weil aber alle guten Dinge nun mal drei sind, hat sie ihr Weg schließlich zu uns geführt. Hier füllt sie jetzt unsere Energiereserven, falls unsere Tanks auf Reserve blinken sollten oder der Kaffee ausgeht. Wach und voller Tatendrang bleibt Anna eben ganz von selbst – und trinkt deshalb lieber Tee. Mögen tun wir sie trotzdem oder vielleicht gerade deswegen umso mehr.

Anna is like coffee. Because First.: There's hardly anyone who doesn't like it. And Second: it's full of energy. In fact, to the delight of our design team, there's almost nothing Anna doesn't like to tackle: whether it's classic layout or digital graphics, the Springginkerl has hands-on mentality written all over her. Speaking of rocks - as a passionate sportswoman, she lets the fresh breeze blow around her nose and is inspired by nature while hiking or running, preferably high up in the mountains. Even though her heart still beats for her home district: "Hernois is ois," she says mischievously.

The sunshine rarely stops laughing anyway, unless you stand her up or breathe too loudly while sleeping. Then Anna simply rolls you onto your side or holds your nose. Fortunately, this could only be our undoing on a business trip. During the day, there is absolutely nothing to be seen of this other, darker Anna. On the contrary: if the whirlwind does get bored at some point, she simply grabs a box full of bits and pieces and sorts them. Marie Kondo would be proud of her and we look forward to see the meticulously organised office accessories.

Although she describes herself as a "routine person", there is always a hint of spontaneity when she kisses the muse in creation or the brush in her hand brings the canvas to life with extravagant colours. Nevertheless, for Anna, chaos can only exist in an orderly form, for example when it sprouts meaningful, creative output. She learned how to do this at the Grafische in Vienna. After graduation, she was of course immediately drawn to work - in the arms of two advertising agencies. But because all good things come in threes, her path finally led her to us. Here she now fills our energy reserves in case our tanks flash to reserve or the coffee runs out. Anna stays awake and full of energy all by herself - and therefore prefers to drink tea. Nevertheless, we like her all the more, or perhaps precisely because of that.

Benjamin Kantschieder
Benjamin Kantschieder
Motion Designer
Benjamin Kantschieder
Benjamin Kantschieder Benjamin Kantschieder Benjamin Kantschieder Benjamin Kantschieder Benjamin Kantschieder
Benjamin Kantschieder

We particularly prefer people who immediately show that they love what they do. This is most likely also the reason why Benjamin won us over right from the start. Just as casually, unpretentiously, and multifaceted as we know the native East Tyrolean, he tackles his tasks as a graphic designer at Identum.

He realized early on that his heart beats for graphics. However, he only turned his artistic inclination into a profession later on, as his first career step took him into the book trade business for 10 years after completing his education. When the daily contemplation of attractive book covers and the occasional provision of cover art for friend's bands were no longer enough, he decided to switch completely to graphic design.

Watching him work (it sounds weirder than it is – honestly!), you can literally see his passion. He contemplates, tinkers with the best solution, and tries things out until it smokes under his dark curls. But who knows, maybe it's also smoking because a track from one of his psychedelic rock albums, which he records with friends, is blasting through the headphones.

However, Benjamin isn't just loud, he's also fast – when it comes to any kind of 3D animations, he's a pro. Yet, he didn't learn this during his education in the Media Design diploma program at the Advertising Academy in Vienna; he taught himself. The guy rocks, we can tell you that.

In addition to moving images, he's into Japan and ramen, retro RPG games, burgers, and bloody movie scenes. According to his own statement, he regularly disturbs his environment with the latter because what causes horror in others amuses our dear Benjamin – well, a sunny disposition doesn't hurt, right?

We are certainly amused when Benjamin conjures up beautiful graphics from his vermillion head for us and our clients. And we are sure: he not only loves what he does, but he's also great at it.

Caro Fessmann
Caroline Fessmann
Graphic Designer
Caro Fessmann
Caro Fessmann Caroline Fessmann Caroline Fessmann caro Caro Fessmann
Caroline Fessmann

You surely know that one colleague in the team who you believe has always been there, right?

Well, that's exactly how it is with Caro. Since she joined us as a graphic designer, we can't remember the time when we had to manage without her. She impresses us with her enviable calmness, with which she tackles even the most urgent tasks. She constantly surprises us with her superhuman precision, and last but not least, with her self-knitted wool creations.

That's right, because her heart beats not only for us and enchanting graphic design but also for analog creative work – knitting, embroidering, pottery, drawing – you name it. For the native Salzburg resident, it's a welcome change amidst digital graphic landscapes, and for us, an excellent opportunity to admire her artful sweaters, stylish scarves, and woolly hats – mostly in her favorite color "Autumn".

Even though you usually find Caro from September to March warmly wrapped in one of her creations at her desk in the office, her spelt pillow must not be missing – yes, Caro can be described as a bit chilly. But that doesn't really matter because if you ask her about her perfect day, she describes it as follows: Sleep in, good coffee with oat milk, and knitting on the couch. So, no danger of cold feet.

But we've known that Caro doesn't get cold feet since the (certainly wise for us as her colleagues) decision to ditch a possible career in her major, Communication Science, and instead pursue her passion in graphic design. After her education and several internships abroad, she eventually found her way back to Austria and to us.

And although just the sight of Caro usually warms our hearts – we never say no to a pair of self-knitted socks. After all, we like to keep our toes warm too.

Christian Koukol
Christian Koukol
Account Manager
Christian Koukol
Christian Koukol Christian Koukol Christian Koukol Christian Koukol Christian Koukol
Christian Koukol

He is a visionary, our dear Christian.

When the Account Manager works on projects with clients with foresight and a perfectly balanced mixture of pragmatism and perfection for example, but also when it comes to his place of residence (no offence, dear people from Linz). As a native of Upper Austria, he turned his back on the steel city of Linz immediately after graduating from high school to graduate in communications at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences and building his career in the advertising industry from there.

Christian is also very fashionable, staying true to himself and his outfits in "black and white" (and beige or light blue, if he fancies just a touch more colour). There’s more routines in other little traditions he follows, which he has lovingly cultivated over the years. For example, the weekly Saturday breakfast consisting of five eggs and two slices of toast, the obligatory shower in the morning and in the evening (if some alcoholic beverages are involved these showers still take place, just a little later) or the Sunday visit to his grandma.

Only during his Erasmus semester in Portugal did he not show up for the lunches with his beloved grandmother. But how fortunate that he didn’t just have one but a 16-fold replacement: On the top floor of a former hostel, he shared a flat with that crowd of party-loving fellow students.

We wonder what he perfected there - pragmatism, or perfection? We can only guess.

But regardless of whether he's a pragmatic or a perfectionist - we like him best anyway, when he cracks jokes in his very dry, very honest humour, which confirmed after the very first week: He just suits us.

Eva Köpp
Account Manager
Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva
Eva Köpp

Is it already Wednesday? Because if it is, there's a good chance we won't hear a peep from Eva-Maria (pronounced Ewa and without the “Maria”). If it really is Wednesday – a day others just call “humpday”, a time when motivation runs low, and the days are still far too long until the weekend – our busy Account Manager is at the peak of her productivity. It’s probably fair to say Wednesday is her focus crescendo!


Eva already tackles every morning in a straightforward and well-paced manner, her thoughts revolving around the structure of the day ahead. Her longing for a contemplative scheme stretches far beyond daily routines of course – she even prepares her vacations on proper power point slides. So obviously any project is in good hands with her. And it’s therefore not surprising that she doesn’t have an academic degree from a university but rather one from aFachhochschule: Born in Gamlitz, she immersed herself in the communications industry at the FH Vienna and ended up working in pharmaceutical marketing. But despite her love fordetails, she felt like something was missing and started looking for more challenging roles. Which led her to us where she now makes an ideal addition to the iD team with her fine mixture of courage to break new grounds and meticulous way of working.


However, there is one small thing that is somehow quite out of character - Eva has a big soft spot for knick-knacks and small memorabilia! Charming, we think, and let’s be honest,minimalism is increasingly overrated anyway, right? A heart for kitsch? We are all for it! And maybe she'll soon be able to get us excited about Humpday too...

Florian Frauendorfer
Florian Frauendorfer
Art Director
Florian Frauendorfer
Florian Frauendorfer Florian Frauendorfer Florian Frauendorfer Florian Frauendorfer Florian Frauendorfer
Florian Frauendorfer

After a youth dominated by sports, as a member of the ski team and a marathon runner, his heart now beats to the rhythm of music. Nonetheless, the impassioned guitarist and songwriter still retains a good few things from his sporting past. The endurance, resilience, and composure that Flo brings to agency life make him an important part of the creative team.

Having grown up in the idyllic town of Kottingbrunn, Florian has always spent most of his life in Vienna. Following his training at the "Graphische" – a shorthand for Vienna's College of Higher Education and Research in Graphic Design – he tagged on another degree in communication studies. However, Vienna was not enough for him. In search of new experiences, he ended up in Berlin, at a graphics studio where he was able to further nurture his love of clear-cut design and expressive typography. Experience we are now benefiting from.

Hubert Nagele
Hubert Nagele
Hubert Nagele
Hubert Nagele Hubert Nagele Hubert Nagele Hubert Nagele Hubert Nagele
Hubert Nagele

In communications since 1997. As an editor, media representative, creative professional, consultant and strategist, he was able to develop a multi-faceted understanding of brand communications. His life is shaped by a pioneering spirit. Studying part-time besides working, he was part of the first graduating class for integrated corporate communications and already embarked on the path of self-employment during this time. Right from the beginning, he focused on offering employees an inspiring, performance-oriented and fair work environment under the special conditions of the creative industry.

Wore horn-rimmed glasses even back in the 80’s and is kind of a cool nerd. Adventure sports pioneer with an affinity for water, both in its liquid and frozen form. Appreciates the overview from the top of a mountain, but loves the panoramic view of the ocean even more. Has the ability to unite different extremes within himself – for example, an easy coolness as well as perfectionism. Loves people and interactions, even though he can be grumpy at times.

Katrin Albrecht
Katrin Albrecht
Office Assistant (on maternity leave)
Katrin Albrecht
Katrin Albrecht Katrin Albrecht Katrin Albrecht Katrin Albrecht Katrin Albrecht
Katrin Albrecht

Ahoy! After enjoying the sea air of Hamburg for a year, Katrin, who hails from Upper Austria, has returned to Vienna and supports our team as office manager. The graduate in education realised at a very early stage of her professional career that advertising agencies are the perfect environment for her. She has vast experience in office management for agencies.
Friendly and charming, while at the same time persistent and resolute, which is how you have to treat overgrown children like us, the assertive Katrin is able to pacify even the most heated of dispositions. So thanks to us she is still able to make use of her specialist educational knowledge. You’re welcome, Katrin!

But after work all educational measures are thrown overboard. And that is often her undoing: When listening to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” she was once in such an ecstatic state that she literally shattered her kneecap during a dance performance. Since then she has limited herself to arm related sports and has a great passion for table football, so there is no risk of her injuring herself.

Lorina Roth
Lorina Roth
Digital Director
Lorina Roth
Lorina Roth Lorina Roth Lorina Roth Lorina Roth Lorina Roth
Lorina Roth

It is well known that good and evil are not always perfectly separable. That already knew Goethe's Faust. And our dear Lorina also confirms this Faust rule. Why? Well, on the one hand, the former headmistress of a Catholic private school can recite the Lord's Prayer like the Amen in church. Literally. On the other hand, Lorina would cross legal lines for her friends. Just metaphorically, of course.

So let's say someone spontaneously expressed a desire for pumpkin soup on a long car ride back from Identum Team Day. Lorina would not be told that twice - always thinking of the well-being of others. After a spontaneous emergency stop on the country road, she would jump out of the car bravely. And before even everyone realized what the hell was going on, she would come back covered in mud and with a winning smile throwing a huge pumpkin from the neighbouring field into the trunk.  Purely theoretical, of course. But Lorina really is a cool dude.

She is just as dedicated and self-confident in her everyday work. The graduate of the Advertising Design Academy Salzburg helps out everywhere without turning a hair. And from web design and corporate design to illustration and painting, she can do almost anything the graphic heart desires. She also has a good sense and eye for discovering and testing new things. Lorina, for us this is almost beyond good and evil!

Team Spirit
Sabrina Weiss
Sabrina Weiß
Sabrina Weiss
Sabrina Weiss Sabrina Weiss Sabrina Weiss Sabrina Weiss Sabrina Weiss
Sabrina Weiß

Hailing from Vorarlberg at Austria’s western tip, Sabrina is a sensationally strong personality but also a happy soul. Even when under considerable stress, she remains cheery and optimistic. Equipped with a constitution that means she’s hardly ever ill, Sabrina brings people together, both in her personal life and professionally. Though sharp as a tack and level-headed, her mouth sometimes runs ahead of her mind! The resulting gaffes – such as: “400 kilos is pretty heavy for a fridge, right?" – are what we lovingly call a “classic Sabi”.

She’s also half of the Identum management team. In effect, she’s the CEO. Since 2001, Sabi has been firmly anchored in communications. Her career has taken her from project management work for major events like the Surf World Cup and overall events communications through to her current role in advertising. Incredibly adept in classic disciplines, PR work remains her pet passion – as, in recent years, have online projects. She laid the basis for these skills in her early years at Identum, which saw her complete part-time studies in integrated communications.

Ulrike Graber
Ulrike Graber
Account Director
Ulrike Graber
Ulrike Graber Ulrike Graber Ulrike Graber Ulrike Graber Ulrike Graber
Ulrike Graber

A good day starts with a good list. In Trello, on the Post-It Board, on the mirror, or written down in the good old print calendar: there are so many wonderful places for many wonderful lists.

And what's on Ulli's list? Loving catmother and the most caring person we know. Ulli is one who always gives a little more than she can, or should, actually give. Always aware of what is going on and what still needs to be done. At parties, nevertheless, never the first to go, answering the question "Gin Tonic?" with a cheeky twinkle in her eye. "Animal-loving" is a noble understatement for Ulli - if all holders of an annual zoo ticket came as often as she does, Schönbrunn would probably have gone bankrupt by now.

In general, we are certain: even if not primarily due to her body height, the diplomate speaker is destined for greater things. Ulli's Manifesto, for example. Or tidiness á la Ulli Kondo. Ulli's list. Or Graber's cat?

With over 15 years of experience in arts and culture management, event management, project management, and customer consulting, Ulli has been leading the Identum project management team as Account Director since 2017. You can always count on her for confident advice and diplomatic mediation, her clients know that and we know that.

Vera Moser
Vera Moser
Senior Communications Manager
Vera Moser
Vera Moser Vera Moser Vera Moser Vera Moser Vera Moser
Vera Moser

Her career path reflects her open-minded personality. Curious to the tip of her toes, infectiously enthusiastic. This in combination with her sunny disposition makes us love being around her. Her sensitivity is both her strength and her weakness. But her ability to empathize is exactly what her friends, colleagues and clients appreciate so deeply. On the job as well as in her free time, she likes being active: up in the mountains, whether climbing or with boards on her feet, and knitting hats for balance.

Entered the communications industry in 2006 after a two-year college programme for media and communications design. Coming from graphic design, she ended up in project management and consulting – right where her skills are. Her personal experience makes her an incredibly valuable asset in the liaison of consulting and design. The clients she advises and works with can lean back and relax and enjoy her great organizational skills, structure and therefore absolute reliability.

Werner Stenzel
Werner Stenzel
Werner Stenzel
Werner Stenzel Werner Stenzel Werner Stenzel Werner Stenzel Werner Stenzel
Werner Stenzel

Back in the 90s, Werner was a sensational mix of grunge-punk and perfectionist. Stubborn as an ox, he always aims to achieve the best possible outcome – good simply isn’t good enough. He dreams of achieving the perfect foot position and is always working on his “th”. He loves mountain landscapes and would take them over panoramic ocean views any day. Each turn at chess is one cigarette long, even though he doesn’t smoke any more

He has worked in communications since 1998. After entering the industry as a designer and moving onto web development, he remained a creative and eventually went self-employed, before becoming Managing Director of Identum. Accompanied by the agony and ecstasy of perfection throughout his career, it has encouraged him to set his standards ever higher at each stage of his career. A qualified spatial planner, he brings a sensational sense of perspective to our agency as well as a long-term view of our daily work.

Our 5 areas of expertise for effective brand charisma


Our abilities or what we do.

This is usually the spot where an agency’s website says: we are capable of everything.
Well, not in our case: there are quite some things we are not capable of. When it comes to keeping the agency fridge clean, the struggle is real. Ni and Hao are the only words we know in Mandarin. A rather big part of our staff is not able to cut bread - or at least not properly.

Instead we are really good at creating brands with charisma. Whether it's strategically or with both hands deep in the creational process, developping our ideas. Charisma on every level.
And all channels, offline and online.
With great knowledge and tons of experience.

Brand strategy

Brand strategy



Category Design

Brand Architecture

Brand Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Brand Conception

Change Processes



Name Development

Claim Development



Corporate Design

Editorial Design








Adaptation of Advertising Material

Media Planning

Campaign Management


Public Relations

Integrated Communication

Digital Presence

Digital Presence

Digital Conception
and Strategy

Content Development

Social Media

Website Analysis






Every Bonny needs a Clyde. Every Superman needs a Lois Lane.
Our network – the Identum agency group



Drupal Web Development

SalesForce and CRM Development

Diamir Holding
Group of companies with focus on software development

Internationalization of SMEs and Scale Ups


After many years’ experience in the communications sector, we know very well the things we’re good at and the things others can do better – which is why we’re always forming strategic partnerships to bolster our network. Bringing together a range of specialists in their field, we all pool our expertise. For the benefit of your brand.