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Set your mind on the future
Diverse education programs, professions with excellent prospects: the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers students numerous degree programs and post-graduate courses with great potential for the future. This added benefit is conveyed through our new image campaign via the claim “Knowing what counts for tomorrow’s world”.
What do the degree courses “Railway technology and Mobility” and “Health Care and Nursing” have in common?
At first glance, not much. However, a characteristic does permeate all the courses offered at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences: they are all degree courses with great potential for the future. We formulated the claim “Knowing what counts for tomorrow’s world” based on this insight.

Trust and a familiar atmosphere
Alongside to the additional rational benefits, interviews with current students have shown that the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences also scores highly for communicating with students on an emotional level. The university offers familiar structures, conveys trust, and communicates with everyone as equals. The students feel recognized as a person and not only as a number in an extensive system.

Why not let the students speak directly about the studies?
We place students and alumni at the center of the image campaign, thereby providing an authentic insight into the working methods, philosophy, and self-perception at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. We also cite a strong statement which correlates directly to our claim: The students and alumni know what counts for tomorrow’s world simply because the university knows.

Embracing Variety
From the outset, the bold design in vibrant colors highlights the variety of courses on offer at the university. The multi-subject campaign has been constructed to be adapted to all fields of study and university courses.