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Lieber zu VIVA
Image Campaign
Our image campaign for OMV VIVA Café places the focus firmly on the high-quality products and lets the coffee, sandwiches, and pastries quite literally speak for themselves.
Convincing by virtue of quality
Finest ingredients, regional suppliers, and Fairtrade coffee roasted in-house: OMV VIVA Café products exceed expectations thanks to a level of quality that one would not normally expect to find at a gas station, creating a distinct product advantage. But how can this be conveyed to our target group?

Letting actions speaking louder than words
We use the indisputable quality of the products to develop the image by making them the central focus of the campaign. Then freshly prepared food and drinks are a far superior alternative to ready-made bread rolls from the supermarket, fast food, or pastries from major bakery chains.

The claim "Lieber zu Viva" (I prefer Viva) functions as a positive-emotional and competitive driver. It is the right response at the right time and acts as an important tool in the decision-making process.
Elvis sets the tone
For the radio spot, we looked to the King of Rock 'n' Roll personally for inspiration. Thanks to a little rewrite, the Elvis cult classic "Viva Las Vegas ", now exits the speakers as "Lieber zu Viva ".

Great, but does it work?
If you believe the numbers, the answer is yes.

In our opinion, this makes it clear that long-term trust pays dividends: OMV was one of our first clients and has been with us since the beginning. We say thank you, and we are delighted with the results